Leg 129Old Pacific Crust/Pigafetta and Mariana Basins
Original attempts to reach the oldest Pacific crust were hampered by a blanket of ubiquitous
Cretaceous chert layers and widespread volcanic material further complicated by a lack of seismic
data to define these units. Subsequent multichannel seismic profiling indicated that the earlier
targets, established solely on the basis of magnetic anomaly interpretations, had been poorly
located and succeeded in identifying better prospects. Mapping of magnetic anomalies showed that
the eastern parts of the Pigafetta and East Mariana basins are areas where the supposed "Jurassic
magnetic quite zone" is bordered to the northwest by possibly the oldest Mesozoic magnetic
anomalies ever recognized in the ocean; possibly as old as Late to Middle Jurassic based on
extrapolation of the age of the earliest anomaly (M25) so far dated in the Atlantic Ocean. During
Leg 129, three sites were drilled in these two basins (Site 800 to Site 802).
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