Leg 133Northeast Australian Margin
Leg 133 occupied 16 sites along two transects over the platforms and basins of the northeast
Australian margin; one transect extending eastward from the outer shelf and slope of the Great
Barrier Reef (Site 819 to Site 822) into the Queensland Trough (Site 823) and onto the Queensland
Plateau (Site 811, and Sites 824 and 825), the second transect extending northward from the edge
of the Marion Plateau (Sites 815, 816, and 826) across the Townsville Trough to the Queensland
Plateau slope (Site 812 to Site 814). The platforms of the Great Barrier Reef represent the largest
areas of neritic carbonate deposition currently on earth, and their tectonic setting on a young passive
margin proximal to major depocenters makes them of immense scientific interest as analogs for
similar associations that have occurred repeatedly throughout geological time. Litho-, chemo-,
magneto-, and biostratigraphic analyses established a Cenozoic record of environmental change
which differentiates between the influences of sea-level fluctuation, tectonic subsidence,
terrigenous flux, paleoclimate, and paleoceanography on carbonate platform development.
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